My Charms Are Wasted On Kuroiwa Medaka, Kuroiwa Medaka is Proof Against My Cuteness Trailer

Kuroiwa Medaka ni Watashi no Kawaii ga Tsuujinai

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To say that Mona Kawai is cute would be an understatement; she is breathtaking in every single way, and she knows it. At school, she is fawned over by boys and girls alike, and she graciously welcomes it all as a natural reaction to her irresistible charm. That is, until she comes across Medaka Kuroiwa, the boy who is seemingly immune to her overwhelming charisma. She goes out of her way to talk to him and even dials her cuteness up a notch, but no matter what she tries, Mona cannot wipe the scowl off Kuroiwa's face.Backed into a corner, Mona is forced to use the most devastating weapon in her arsenal: her physical allure. Such drastic measures would leave other boys foaming at their mouths, but Kuroiwa remains unfazed by her attempts. Little does Mona know that the only reason Kuroiwa just barely abstains from succumbing to her charms is because he is training to be a monk and thus trying his best not to be held down by worldly pleasures. As Mona goes all out to entice Kuroiwa, she fails to realize that his unintentional chivalry might just make her fall for him instead.

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