Watch Senpai is an Otokonoko Trailer

Otokonoko ga Kouhai ni Kokuhaku sareru Hanashi, My Crossdressing Senpai, Painoko

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Much like the other students at her school, first-year student Saki Aoi finds herself captivated by the beauty of her senior on the school board, Makoto Hanaoka. While she worries that Hanaoka would be uncomfortable receiving a confession from another girl, Aoi musters up the courage to tell her anyway. However, Hanaoka's response surprises Aoi for a completely different reason—Hanaoka is actually a cross-dressing boy!Fully expecting Aoi to be abhorred by this revelation, Hanaoka is shocked to find that she has no issues with it. Though Hanaoka rejects Aoi's request to go out with her—citing his identity and the fact that he has never fallen in love before—Aoi insists that she will become his first love. Taken aback by Aoi's determination, Hanaoka wonders if he can really fall in love with her if he cannot find it in him to truly love himself first.

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