Watch The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses Trailer

Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - 好きな子がめがねを忘れた

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Kaede Komura is in love. After being seated next to the airheaded Ai Mie for the past three days, Komura cannot help but be attracted to his bespectacled classmate. Although he has yet to have a proper conversation with Mie, Komura dreams of the day when she will look his way.One day, Komura notices that his seatmate is not wearing her glasses, learning by questioning Mie that she forgot them and has a tendency of doing so. When he sees her struggle, a concerned Komura takes it upon himself to help his crush. As the boy offers his assistance to Mie day by day, her reasons for constantly losing her glasses slowly evolve from the answer she initially gave.

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