Top anime 2024 Streaming
The series follows the lives of three friends navigating through the challenges of growing up, friendship, and their personal battles. Themes of self-identity and resilience take center stage as they face both internal and external struggles.
After losing his entire family in a car crash, Taiyou Asano tries to pull away from his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura, but she assures him she is not going anywhere. Nevertheless, Taiyou becomes socially awkward, struggling to make friends at school despite the efforts of his persistent classmates. One day,
The Kingdom of Clays faces a dire crisis: an assassination attempt has just been made on its own Princess Lynneburg, and its neighboring countries eye the aftermath like starving vultures, plotting the Kingdom's downfall. The ensuing conflict will shape the face of the continent for centuries to come...but Noor doesn't
After passing away, a Japanese office worker finds himself reincarnated in another world as Ars, the newborn son of the noble Louvent family. The Summerforth Empire, where the Louvents rule over a small territory of a few thousand people, is a medieval-like land plagued by social inequality and political instability.
Tomokui Kanata has been re-incarnated in the weakest goblin, named Goburou, after having undergone an unfortunate death. However Goburou has retained his previous life's memories, an unusual evolution, as well as becoming strong enough to gain status boosts from eating. In this alternate world of survival of the fittest, events