Watch I’ll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History Trailer

歴史に残る悪女になるぞ - Rekishi ni Nokoru Akujo ni Naru zo

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The kind and compassionate heroine of an otome game may be as flawless as she is admirable, but a certain young woman from Japan much prefers the villainess, Alicia Williams. She sees sense in Alicia's ruthless verbal abuse and values her discipline and fortitude. On the other hand, aside from always toying with Prince Duke Seeker's emotions, the commoner heroine seems to only spout lip service.Given the choice, the young woman would love to be reincarnated as Alicia—and her wish suddenly comes true! Seven-year-old Alicia awakens with the memories of her past life, now aware of all the future events, outcomes, and the world's secrets. She has no fear; to outsmart the heroine and avoid a bad ending, all Alicia needs is hard work, mastery of her noble family's dark magic, and the determination to become the greatest villainess in history.

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